New IPs (less than three years in the field) are an important demographic for APIC and the future of infection prevention and control.  To support the specific needs of this audience, APIC’s Member Services Committee and APIC staff proposed the addition of a New IP member type to the APIC Board of Directors.  The New IP member type was approved at the June 2020 board of directors meeting.

Following the APIC Board’s approval, the new member type now requires a vote of the membership as it represents a change to the APIC Bylaws.  Bylaws changes are presented for approval of the membership as part of the annual APIC Elections. This year the election is scheduled to open October 12 and close November 12, 2020. 


New IP member: Individuals occupationally or professionally involved in the practice and management of infection control and/or the application of epidemiology for up to three years. Such members may vote in elections or when a membership vote is required by Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws or requested by the Board of Directors, serve on committees, and hold elected office.

Individuals can be in this category for three years, not to exceed their first three years in infection prevention and control.


The New IP receives all member benefits available to Full/Active members plus exclusive programs including a restricted online community and a networking event at Annual Conference.


Annual dues for the New IP type are $205 (or current Full/Active rate; international dues equal to international Full/Active rate).

Why is APIC proposing a new member type?

The new member type support’s APIC’s commitment to supporting the next generation of IPs.  Additionally, the new member type allows APIC staff to easily identify and connect with these individuals during their first three years in infection prevention and control.

Who is eligible for the New IP member type?

IPs with less than three years of experience in infection prevention and control are eligible for the New IP member type.  Individuals can then stay in this category for three years, not to exceed their first three years in infection prevention and control.

Can current members switch to the New IP member type?

Yes, current members can switch to the New IP member type as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

How long can someone be in the New IP Member Type?

You can stay in the New IP member type for three years, not to exceed your first three years in infection prevention and control.

Why are New IP dues the same as Full/Active dues?

New IPs will receive the full APIC member benefits suite.  They will also receive additional benefits customized to the audience, including a restricted online community and a networking event at the Annual Conference.  Given the value of these offerings, the price was set at a rate equal to Full/Active dues.

Will the new IP member type replace one of the existing categories?

No, the New IP member type is in addition to APIC’s current categories.  If approved, APIC would have five membership categories: Student, New IP, Full/Active, Associate, and Retired.